Many people find the idea of becoming a locksmith incredibly intimidating, especially if they have never done it before. But rest assured, it’s actually quite simple to get started in the locksmithing industry, as long as you follow these 5 simple steps to become a locksmith. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the ultimate slotenmaker Voorburg.
1) What is the demand for locksmiths?
Starting in 2017, an estimated 89,000 new positions for locksmiths will be needed. However, it’s not just new jobs that are opening up, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that roughly 500 job openings per year between 2016 and 2026 will come from replacements due to retirements or individuals leaving their jobs.
2) Where do I begin learning?
You can begin learning how to become a locksmith by reaching out to local slotenmaker Voorburg and asking if they offer any training programs. Some locksmiths may even be willing to take you on as an apprentice while you learn your trade. When searching for apprenticeship programs, look for one with an established track record of success. This will ensure that you’re properly trained and equipped with all of the tools necessary to succeed in your new career.
3) How long will it take me to complete all training?
Most companies offer locksmith training that can last anywhere from 2-4 weeks, but you’ll have to check with your state and company before enrolling. And if you want to enter law enforcement or security, much of your training will need to be completed after graduation.
4) Once I have completed training, where should I start looking for work?
One of your biggest concerns is going to be where you’re going to find work. Finding locksmith work can be difficult, and you don’t want to end up working for someone who doesn’t value your knowledge or skills. While there are certainly other ways you can make money with what you know, it’s best if you keep searching until you find an employer who has a background in locks.
5) How much will I be paid?
A locksmith salary can vary greatly depending on location and industry. According to PayScale, you can expect a locksmith salary in 2013 to range from $19,000 for starting positions in rural areas to up to $58,000 for experienced professionals working in large cities such as Washington DC or New York City.