February 19, 2025
Unsure of the procedures for SG citizenship application? Check out this article by TIP.

There are many reasons to apply for Singapore citizenship. For many, the idea of ​​becoming a Singaporean citizen is a dream come true. These people see Singapore as a land of opportunity and a chance to start a whole new life. Although the process of obtaining Singaporean citizenship can be long, it is worth the wait and completing all the paperwork for those who want to make this dream come true.

One of the rights granted to a person with Singapore citizenship is voting.

Singapore is a democracy, and the people vote for those who will govern the country, make laws, and change laws. The type of government is known as the people’s government by the people. If you are not a citizen of Singapore, you cannot vote or have the right to vote in public affairs.

Many people dream of living in Singapore to be part of a country where they help determine the laws, rules, and regulations they will live their daily lives. Living in a democracy is an important reason many people apply for Singaporean citizenship. Unsure of the procedures for SG citizenship application? Check out this article by TIP.

Many people marry someone who already has citizenship. They want to move to Singapore to live with their spouse and even work there. As a result, many people apply for Singaporean citizenship to live and work there with their spouses. Some people want to live and work in the country they were born in and permanently moved to Singapore. Unsure of the procedures for SG citizenship application? Check out this article by TIP.

In addition, they apply for Singaporean citizenship to become citizens so that later in their marriage, they can have children who are born Singapore citizens. Both parents must be legal citizens of Singapore before their children can automatically acquire citizenship at birth.

Another reason many people apply for citizenship in Singapore because they work there. While you do not need to be a legal citizen of Singapore to hold many positions in Singapore, you are not eligible to work in all positions. If you are not a legal citizen, you cannot work in certain government positions. For example, if you are good at numbers and accounting, you will not work as a bank teller in federal governments.


work in Singapore is a dream come true for many people. After getting green card immigration status and working in Singapore for a while, many people want to continue living that dream and become legal citizens, which means that more and more people are applying for Singaporean citizenship.